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Under 14

Eco-Quiz – 3rd Edition

Eco-Quiz is a competition dedicated to first, second and third grade secondary school students from all over Italy.

Eco-Quiz is based on educational content, useful to provide the necessary basis to pass a real thematic questionnaire.

The proposed content will encourage reflections on the issues of correct evaluation of information and orientation in the world of economic information.

Classes taking part in the competition will benefit from an online lesson by the Museo del Risparmio about the topics that will later be quizzed.

The winning class will be rewarded with a free educational visit to the Museo del Risparmio di Torino with coverage of travel expenses of up to €1,000, to be organized during the days of the International Festival of Economics.

Eco-Quiz is sponsored by the Torino Local Committee (TOLC), Editori Laterza and Fondazione per la Scuola, Museo del Risparmio, Istituto comprensivo Toscanini-Einaudi di Parma and AEEE-Italia.

More information here.


MdR Workshops

MONETOPOLIPrimary School

Pupils will go through challenges, games and fun exercises to test their correct understanding of the information received from some Museo del Risparmio videos and tutors, also with the aim of acquiring (or reinforcing) their first knowledge and skills in the world of money.


After an introduction on the importance of understanding, selecting and using news correctly, in general as well as in the field of economics, students will try to identify a piggy bank (within the collection of the Museo del Risparmio) from some clues that will have to be recognized as true information or fake news.


Following the reading of economic news, students will test their ability to research, understand and transmit economic information and to learn how to correctly decode the vocabulary and language used by financial media.

Participation is free and reservations are required by sending an e-mail to Applications can be sent and will be accepted in chronological order of arrival and up to April 30, 2024.


Banca d’Italia Workshops


Young people will be invited, through a team game structured over the four seasons, to reflect on the themes of the conscious use of money, the value of saving and the need to become more aware when facing economic and financial choices.

– May 6, 2024 – elementary school (fifth grades); 9 a.m.; 11 a.m.

– May 7, 2024 – secondary school; 9 a.m.; 11 a.m.

Maximum capacity is 1 class of up to 25 pupils per shift.

Free activity, bookable by writing to by April 24, 2024.


Xké curiosity workshop


Did you know that science is full of algorithms? A journey through algorithms in nature (animals and plants) and beyond, discovering the many connections between analog and digital, May 27-31, 2024.

Reservations are required by contacting 011 812 97 86.

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